All 53 Diane Weyermann Movies

Luisa Simmons
26 min readApr 15, 2024


Get ready to dive into the world of Diane Weyermann as we present an exciting roundup of her most remarkable movies. From captivating drama to heartwarming stories, this article promises to give you a comprehensive overview of Weyermann’s best works, ensuring an enjoyable journey through the world of cinema.

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1. Garden (2003)


“Garden” is a powerful documentary that takes viewers on a journey into the lives of teenage male prostitutes working in the infamous “Electricity Garden” area in Tel Aviv, Israel. Capturing raw emotions and providing an unprecedented look into their world, the film explores themes of survival, identity, and the resilience of the human spirit.

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2. An Inconvenient Truth (2006)


“An Inconvenient Truth” is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the global issue of climate change. Directed by Davis Guggenheim, it chronicles the tireless efforts of Al Gore to raise public awareness about the alarming consequences of global warming on our environment. With a runtime of 1 hour and 36 minutes, this critically acclaimed film exposes the urgency of taking immediate action to mitigate the adverse impact of climate change. The movie features Gore’s compelling lecture-turned-multimedia presentation, along with striking visuals and scientific data that leave no doubt about the reality of climate change. The documentary not only provides a clear understanding of the gravity of the problem but also offers practical solutions to combat it. Gore’s relentless pursuit to educate the public has garnered worldwide attention, and his documentary has won numerous awards, including two Academy Awards. It serves as a stark reminder that the future of our planet depends on the collective actions we take now. With powerful performances by Al Gore, Billy West, and George Bush, “An Inconvenient Truth” is a must-watch movie for those who care about the environment and the future of our world. Join the conversation and spread the word about the urgent need for climate change action today!

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3. Darfur Now (2007)


“Darfur Now” is a gripping and eye-opening documentary that delves into the harrowing realities of the genocide in Sudan’s western region of Darfur. This powerful film presents a collection of personal stories and experiences, showcasing the bravery of humanitarian workers, refugees, local activists, and international efforts by the United Nations to address this humanitarian crisis. The movie, directed by Ted Braun and starring notable actors such as Don Cheadle, Ahmed Mahammed Abaka, and Sheikh Ahmed Mohamad Abakar, offers an in-depth exploration of the dire situation in Darfur, where the government-backed Arab militias have perpetrated atrocities against the region’s non-Arab minority groups. The film also sheds light on the tireless efforts of individuals determined to alleviate the suffering of the people caught in the crossfire. With a runtime of just 1h 38min, “Darfur Now” is a compelling and emotional journey that serves as a call to action for viewers to engage and take part in the ongoing fight for justice and peace in this troubled region.

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4. Angels in the Dust (2007)


Step into the inspiring world of “Angels in the Dust”, a documentary chronicling the extraordinary journey of Marion Cloete and her family. Leaving behind the comforts of their affluent life in Johannesburg, they brave the challenges and set forth to create Boikarabelo, an extraordinary village and school, offering shelter, food, and education to over 550 South African children in need.

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5. Chicago 10 (2007)


“Chicago 10” is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the events surrounding the eight anti-war protesters who were put on trial following the tumultuous 1968 Democratic National Convention. This groundbreaking film masterfully combines archival footage, animation, and music to create an immersive experience that transports viewers back to the chaotic summer of ’68. Directed by Brett Morgen and written by himself, the film captures the energy and passion of a pivotal moment in American history. Featuring narration by Jeffrey Wright, Nick Nolte, and Roy Scheider, “Chicago 10” is a compelling exploration of a turbulent decade, offering a fascinating look at the impact of political unrest and the struggle for change in the United States. With a runtime of 1 hour 50 minutes and an IMDb rating of 7.3, the film has garnered critical acclaim and two wins along with six nominations at various awards ceremonies.

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6. Jimmy Carter Man from Plains (2007)


“Jimmy Carter Man from Plains” is a captivating documentary that offers an intimate look into the life and work of the 39th President of the United States, Jimmy Carter. The film chronicles Carter’s recent tour in support of his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid. “

Directed by the talented Jonathan Demme, this biographical documentary takes viewers on a journey through President Carter’s efforts to promote peace in the Middle East. Witness as he travels with his family to the region, sharing his insights and experiences while engaging in diplomatic discussions. This visually stunning documentary provides a unique perspective on a former President and his ongoing commitment to peace, offering a compelling blend of historical context and personal stories. With a runtime of 2 hours and 5 minutes, “Jimmy Carter Man from Plains” is a must-see for fans of history, politics, and documentaries alike.

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7. Standard Operating Procedure (2008)


“Standard Operating Procedure” is a powerful documentary by renowned filmmaker Errol Morris that delves into the harrowing events of the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The film offers an unflinching examination of the torture and abuse inflicted upon suspected terrorists by U. S. forces, revealing the complexities and consequences of these actions. Morris captures the stories of soldiers who participated in these heinous acts, painting both a picture of their lives before and after the incidents at Abu Ghraib. The documentary also explores the psychological implications of their involvement, highlighting the brutal reality faced by those behind these atrocities. “Standard Operating Procedure” is not for the faint of heart, as it features graphic content and male full frontal nudity. This intense documentary will leave viewers questioning the morality of war and the lasting impact of torture on those involved. With a runtime of just under two hours and an impressive IMDb rating of 7.4, this film is a must-see for anyone interested in the truth behind the Abu Ghraib scandal and the human cost of war. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable cinematic experience that will challenge your perceptions and touch your emotions.

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8. Pressure Cooker (2008)


In “Pressure Cooker” (2008), an inspiring documentary featuring a unique blend of culinary arts education and personal growth, Wilma Stephenson, a fiercely dedicated yet unconventionally-tough teacher at Frankford High, takes her Culinary Arts class under her wing, transforming them from fledgling chefs into skilled culinary artists and responsible students. With a focus on the challenges of inner-city schooling and students’ complex realities, this poignant film captures the transformative power of mentorship and perseverance, all while providing tantalizing glimpses of delicious food creations.

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9. Cane Toads: The Conquest (2010)


“Cane Toads: The Conquest, “ directed and written by Mark Lewis, is a thrilling horror-comedy documentary that unravels the shocking environmental consequences of the giant cane toad’s relentless invasion of Australia. This 3D film transports viewers into the heart of the country, revealing how these massive toads have wreaked havoc on the delicate ecosystem.

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10. Countdown to Zero (2010)


“Countdown to Zero” is a chilling, thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on the rising threat of nuclear weapons usage, fueled by terrorism and lack of sufficient safeguards and verification systems. Director Lucy Walker masterfully weaves together expert opinions, riveting footage, and first-hand accounts of nuclear incidents and disasters to create a gripping, real-life suspense thriller. The film takes the audience on a harrowing journey through the world of nuclear weapons, exploring the devastating consequences of their use and the urgent need for global disarmament. “Countdown to Zero” is a sobering reminder of the dangers we face today and a call to action for a peaceful and secure future.

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11. Casino Jack and the United States of Money (2010)


“Casino Jack and the United States of Money” delves into the sordid world of deceit and fraud in Washington D. C. , focusing on the notorious super-lobbyist, Jack Abramoff. The documentary uncovers a web of corruption, money in politics, and power schemes, all linked to Abramoff and his associates. Director Alex Gibney masterfully unravels their intricate quid pro quo arrangements and kickbacks using in-depth interviews and exposés. The film stars the man himself, Jack Abramoff, along with Tom DeLay and William Branner. This gripping exploration of political manipulation, released in 2010, has earned critical acclaim with two nominations. With a runtime of 1h 58min, this R-rated documentary is a must-watch for those interested in investigative journalism and political intrigue. “Casino Jack and the United States of Money” shares elements with other films exploring similar themes, such as “The Armstrong Lie, “ “The Crime of the Century, “ and “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room. “ Not to be confused with the feature film, “Casino Jack, “ this documentary offers a raw and unflinching look at the darkest corners of American politics.

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12. Waiting for Superman (2010)


“Waiting for Superman” is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the complexities of the American education system, revealing the current state of affairs in this crucial area. Directed by Davis Guggenheim and written by both Guggenheim and Billy Kimball, this powerful film brings attention to the pressing issues facing public education in the United States.

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13. Last Call at the Oasis (2011)


“Last Call at the Oasis” is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the escalating global water crisis. This poignant film, released in 2012, has garnered 7.4 out of 10 stars from IMDb and won 2 awards while receiving 2 nominations. The film explores the desperate struggle faced by communities and ecosystems battling for the world’s most basic necessity — water.

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14. A Place at the Table (2012)


“A Place at the Table” is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that explores the issue of hunger in America, shining a light on the millions of people who suffer from food insecurity. The film takes an in-depth look at individuals and families caught in the struggle for survival, focusing on the proposed solutions to this rampant problem.

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15. State 194 (2012)


“State 194” is a powerful and deeply contemplative documentary that delves deeply into the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The film captures the hopes and aspirations of those who are working diligently to seize this historic opportunity and strive for a two-state solution.

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16. The Square (2013)


“The Square” is a gripping, award-winning documentary that takes viewers on a thrilling ride through the heart of the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. This powerful film, directed by Jehane Noujaim, offers an intimate look at a group of Egyptian revolutionaries as they battle against oppressive regimes and leaders, putting their lives on the line in the pursuit of a new, just society. With stunning footage and a captivating narrative, “The Square” is a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit.

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17. The Unknown Known (2013)


“The Unknown Known” is a 2013 documentary film directed by Errol Morris, focusing on the career of Donald Rumsfeld, who served as the United States Secretary of Defense from 2001 to 2006. The movie delves into Rumsfeld’s life, from his time as a young congressman in the early 1960s to his involvement in some of the most pivotal moments in U. S. history, including the planning of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This thought-provoking documentary offers a unique perspective on Rumsfeld’s experiences and the world of U. S. government and imperialism. With a runtime of 1 hour and 43 minutes, “The Unknown Known” is rated PG-13 and features interviews with Rumsfeld himself, as well as insights shared by Morris, who also serves as the movie’s writer. The film, which premiered at the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, has garnered praise from critics and film enthusiasts alike. With its honest and unapologetic portrayal of a historically important figure, “The Unknown Known” is a must-see for anyone with an interest in American politics and history.

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18. Made in America (2013)


Experience a unique blend of music, culture, and inspiration in the documentary “Made In America” (2013), directed by acclaimed filmmaker Ron Howard. This captivating film takes you behind the scenes of one of the most iconic music events, the “Budweiser Made In America” festival, which was meticulously organized by hip-hop artist Jay-Z. As you dive into the world of music, you’ll witness the unparalleled talent and creativity of artists like Janelle Monáe, Rita Ora, and Jill Scott. The film showcases the hard work and dedication that go into producing an extraordinary event, while also highlighting the camaraderie and passion shared by performers and audiences alike. “Made In America” takes a fresh look at the power of music to bring people together, transcending boundaries, and fostering unity. With its captivating storytelling and heartwarming moments, this documentary is sure to inspire and entertain viewers of all ages. Don’t miss the chance to experience this incredible journey into a world of music, passion, and ambition.

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19. The Great Invisible (2014)


“The Great Invisible” is a powerful documentary that sheds light on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, as seen through the eyes of various individuals who were directly affected by the disaster. The film delves into the experiences of oil executives, survivors, and Gulf Coast residents, who were left to deal with the aftermath while the world continued to move on. Directed by Margaret Brown, this compelling film explores the human cost of one of the most devastating man-made disasters in recent history.

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20. Misconception (2014)


“Misconception” (2014) is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the intricate subject of population growth. Through the eyes of three individuals who grapple with this topic on a deeply personal level, we’re exposed to the complexities surrounding human reproduction, overpopulation, and the environmental consequences.

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21. Citizenfour (2014)


“Citizenfour” is a gripping documentary that offers a rare and shocking glimpse into the world of mass surveillance. Directed by Laura Poitras, the film delves beneath the surface of government intrusion, focusing on the life-changing revelations of Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor. Teaming up with documentarian Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald, Snowden decides to expose the scope of mass surveillance techniques adopted by government agencies like NSA. Filled with suspense and intrigue, “Citizenfour” captures the tense Hong Kong meetings between Snowden, Greenwald, and Poitras culminating in Snowden’s unprecedented disclosure of classified information. Revealed are alarming practices of government surveillance that span across nations, prompting heated debates around privacy rights, government transparency, and espionage. Delivering a thought-provoking narrative, “Citizenfour” has won worldwide acclaim, including an Academy Award, making it an essential viewing for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of government surveillance in the digital age.

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22. Merchants of Doubt (2014)


Delve into the world of deception through “Merchants of Doubt, “ a gripping documentary from 2014. This captivating film exposes the true faces behind the scenes of climate change, environmentalism, and other pressing issues affecting our planet. The movie reveals the sleight of hand often used by the so-called “experts” to promote their own agendas, disguised as unbiased scientific opinions.

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23. 3 1/2 Minutes, 10 Bullets (2015)


In “3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets”, the world is shaken by a senseless act of violence against a mother and her son at a Florida gas station. This deeply moving documentary delves into the tragic events, the search for justice, and the lasting impact on the families, community, and nation as they all grapple with the horrors committed. Marc Silver masterfully weaves together the complexities of the case as he explores a series of shocking revelations.

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24. The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble (2015)


The film “The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble” presents cellist Yo-Yo Ma alongside other international artists, converging to share their interconnected perspectives on the global influence of music and culture. This documentary encapsulates their creative alliance, showcasing a diverse musical ensemble that weaves together melodies and narratives from various regions worldwide. Journeying into the lives and musical journeys of the artists, the film showcases the unique ability of art to bridge cultural rifts.

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25. Midsummer in Newtown (2016)


In “Newtown: Midsummer’s Healing,” a touching and insightful documentary, we witness a heartwarming tale of a community healing from the heart-wrenching tragedy of the Sandy Hook incident. The power of music and the arts serves as the foundation, as the film showcases the profound journey of a grieving couple, who through unwavering determination, create a unique masterpiece in honor of their beloved daughter. Concurrently, the movie portrays the children of the community finding solace and an outlet for their emotions, as they participate in a captivating rock-pop adaptation of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” This heartwarming film serves as a powerful testament to the transformative impact that art can have on individuals and entire communities, when faced with adversity.

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26. Zero Days (2016)


“Zero Days” is a fascinating documentary that explores the world of cyber warfare, particularly focusing on the Stuxnet computer worm. Developed by the U. S. and Israel as a means of destroying an important part of an Iranian nuclear facility, this self-replicating malware soon spiraled out of control, infiltrating systems far beyond its initial target. Directed by Alex Gibney, the film takes viewers on a journey beyond the technical complexities of Stuxnet, delving into the complex political and geopolitical ramifications such cyber arms can have. The film features interviews with experts like David Sanger and cyber security analyst Eric Chien, shedding light on the wider implications, opportunities, and threats cyber warfare poses. Running for an hour and fifty-six minutes, the documentary is rated PG-13 and is available in multiple languages. With an IMDb score of 7.7, it was produced by Global Produce, Jigsaw Productions, and Participant. Despite having a limited box office, “Zero Days” offers a thought-provoking exploration of an increasingly relevant topic in our interconnected world.

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27. Far From the Tree (2017)


“Far From the Tree” is a powerful and insightful documentary that explores the complex relationships between parents and their children. Based on Andrew Solomon’s NY Times bestselling book of the same name, this film delves into the experiences of families where the differences between parents and their offspring are profound. The documentary showcases touching narratives of mother-son, mother-daughter, and father-son relationships, revealing the resilience and determination that lie within these unconventional connections.

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28. Human Flow (2017)


Human Flow is a powerful and poignant documentary directed and created by world-renowned artist and activist, Ai Weiwei. The film takes you on an unforgettable, eye-opening journey into the heart of the global refugee crisis. It provides a detailed and heart-wrenching exploration of the challenges faced by these displaced individuals, as they search for safety, dignity, and a new home. With stunning cinematography, the film paints a vivid picture of the various struggles faced by refugees, including their long, arduous journeys, the harsh conditions in refugee camps, and the emotional toll this experience takes on them. Human Flow is more than just a documentary; it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and a call to action for compassion, empathy, and understanding. Join Ai Weiwei on this deeply moving and thought-provoking journey as he sheds light on the gravity of one of the most pressing issues of our time, the refugee crisis. Human Flow is a must-watch for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of this complex and urgent global issue.

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29. An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (2017)


“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” is a powerful and insightful documentary that delves into the critical issue of climate change. It serves as a follow-up to the influential 2006 film, “An Inconvenient Truth, “ and showcases the advancements made a decade later. The movie offers an in-depth look at the ongoing challenges surrounding climate change and the potential for a real energy revolution. Directed by Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, with a script by former Vice President Al Gore, the film features interviews with key figures, including politicians, scientists, and activists, all coming together to tackle the issue head-on. Key locations featured in the documentary include New York City and Florida, which have both been hit hard by hurricanes and flooding, further emphasizing the pressing need for change. With a runtime of 1 hour and 38 minutes, the film has gained a strong following, earning 16 nominations and 6 wins, including 1 BAFTA Award. Featuring a star-studded cast, including Al Gore, Cory Booker, and George W. Bush, “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” is a must-see for those interested in understanding the importance of climate change and the actions needed to address it.

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30. Foster (2018)


Foster (2018) is a gripping documentary that delves into the depths of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) foster care system. Acclaimed filmmakers Deborah Oppenheimer and Mark Jonathan Harris, who previously worked together on “Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, “ present an unfiltered, firsthand account of the challenges and triumphs faced by those involved in the system. Through exclusive access granted to the filmmakers, you’ll witness the heartbreaking stories of foster children and their caretakers as they navigate the complexities of the foster care system. This powerful and honest portrayal will leave viewers with a deep understanding of the realities faced by those who require foster care and the dedicated professionals who support them. With a runtime of 1 hour and 53 minutes, don’t miss this award-winning documentary that has received critical acclaim from audiences and critics alike.

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31. The Price of Free (2018)


“The Price of Free” is a compelling and eye-opening documentary that delves into the life of Kailash Satyarthi, a courageous Indian social activist who dedicated his life to rescuing children from slavery. With an initial focus on children in his hometown, Satyarthi built a global movement that has rescued thousands of children from exploitative labor.

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32. Aquarela (2018)


Experience the raw power and beauty of water and ice in Aquarela, a stunning documentary that showcases nature in all its mesmerizing forms. Filmed across the globe, the film captures awe-inspiring scenes of water and ice in motion — from thunderous waves crashing on shorelines, to glaciers carving through rugged terrains. With very little dialogue, the film immerses viewers in a visceral sonic experience, accompanied by captivating visuals that blur the line between fact and fantasy.

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33. Sing Me a Song (2019)


In 2019’s highly-engaging documentary, “Sing Me a Song, “ director Thomas Balmès captures the transformative moment when the Internet finally reaches the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. The film delves into the journey of a young, initially skeptical Buddhist monk named Peyangki as he reluctantly embraces technology.

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34. Watson (2019)


“Watson” is a riveting documentary that delves into the life of Captain Paul Watson, a trailblazer in the fight to save the ocean’s wildlife and their habitats. With a powerful and dedicated spirit, Watson has spent four decades leading environmental movements like Greenpeace and founding Sea Shepherd.

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35. American Factory (2019)


American Factory is a riveting documentary that follows the journey of a Chinese billionaire who opens a factory in the heart of Ohio, an abandoned General Motors plant. This ambitious project brings hope to the struggling American economy by providing employment to thousands of local workers. However, the initial optimism is soon overshadowed by the stark contrast between high-tech China and the traditional values of working-class America.

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36. Slay the Dragon (2019)


“Slay the Dragon” is a powerful 2019 documentary that delves into the controversial issue of gerrymandering, a political tactic that manipulates electoral district boundaries to gain an unfair advantage. This riveting film takes viewers on a journey through the complex world of American politics, exploring how gerrymandering impacts elections and exposes the broken nature of the electoral system.

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37. John Lewis: Good Trouble (2020)


“John Lewis: Good Trouble” is a powerful documentary that takes audiences on a journey through the life and career of esteemed Georgia representative and civil rights activist, John Lewis. The film spans over 60 years, delving into Lewis’ tireless work towards social justice and legislative change. Covering topics such as civil rights, voting rights, gun control, healthcare reform, and immigration, the documentary provides insight into Lewis’ unwavering commitment to equality and democracy.

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38. Final Account (2020)


“Final Account” is an intense and unflinchingly honest documentary that unveils the untold stories of the last living generation of Hitler’s Third Reich. The film artfully interweaves never-before-seen interviews, raising crucial questions about authority, conformity, national identity, and the personal roles taken by these individuals in the greatest human crimes in history.

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39. Coronation (2020)


“Coronation, “ directed by renowned artist and activist Ai Weiwei, is a poignant documentary that delves into the heart of the Wuhan city, the epicenter of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The film takes viewers on a heart-wrenching journey through makeshift hospitals, quarantined homes and dilapidated sites, all captured through Ai Weiwei’s penetrating lens.

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40. Totally Under Control (2020)


“Totally Under Control, “ a revealing documentary from acclaimed filmmakers Alex Gibney, Ophelia Harutyunyan, and Suzanne Hillinger, takes audiences on an eye-opening journey into the early months of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. This film delves deep into the United States’ unpreparedness and response to the outbreak, exposing critical shortcomings in the nation’s healthcare system and revealing key missteps by government officials. Highlighting the controversial hydroxychloroquine drug and exploring its role in the pandemic response, the documentary provides a chilling account of the race against time as the virus spreads across the country.

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41. David Byrne’s American Utopia (2020)


David Byrne’s American Utopia is a groundbreaking musical documentary directed by visionary filmmaker Spike Lee. Capturing the essence of Byrne’s 2019 Broadway show, the film is a vibrant and timely exploration of the iconic Talking Heads frontman’s album and tour of the same name.

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42. My Name Is Pauli Murray (2021)


“My Name Is Pauli Murray” is an enlightening documentary that delves into the captivating life of Pauli Murray, a remarkable non-binary Black lawyer, activist, and poet who made influential strides in the realms of civil rights and human rights. This stirring film explores how Pauli’s inspiring work intertwined with the lives of influential figures like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Thurgood Marshall, shaping the course of history. With an impressive runtime of 1 hour and 31 minutes, this riveting documentary is sure to captivate audiences and unveil the untold story of an extraordinary woman who defied societal norms and paved the way for change.

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43. Messwood (2021)


Dive into the heartwarming story of Messwood (2021), a documentary film that explores the intricate world of youth sports. This gripping tale follows a diverse young team as they navigate the challenging terrain of race, class, and boyhood, all while striving to win on and off the field. With a runtime of 1 hour and 34 minutes, this uplifting drama allows viewers to witness firsthand how these extraordinary young men come together and forge unbreakable bonds, overcoming obstacles and proving that sports can serve as a powerful catalyst for change.

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44. White Coat Rebels (2021)


“White Coat Rebels” is a gripping, must-watch documentary that dives headfirst into the dark underbelly of the medical profession, exposing the corrosive influence of Big Pharma and the unwavering courage of the dedicated “white coat rebels” who fearlessly challenge the status quo. The film takes viewers on a thrilling journey, shedding light on the shadowy dealings and greedy practices that have infiltrated the once-noble realm of healthcare.

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45. The First Wave (2021)


“The First Wave” is an intense and poignant documentary that takes us into the heart of New York City’s healthcare system during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. This gripping film captures the raw emotions and unrelenting commitment of nurses, doctors, and administrators working tirelessly to save lives against a relentless virus.

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46. Invisible demons: tuhon merkit (2021)


Invisible Demons: Tuhon Merkit is a gripping documentary film from the years of 2021 and 2022. Directed by Rahul Jain and co-written by Yaël Bitton, Rahul Jain, and Iikka Vehkalahti, the movie offers an in-depth look at the societal impacts of India’s fast-paced economic growth. The movie brilliantly captures a city in crisis as it grapples with the realities of the climate crisis and its devastating effects on urban life.

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47. Unseen Skies (2021)


Unseen Skies (2021) takes viewers on an exhilarating journey through the desolate Nevada desert with renowned artist and scientist Trevor Paglen. Paglen’s latest project, an audacious venture into space, involves launching a satellite into orbit.

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48. Lowndes County and the Road to Black Power (2022)


“Highway to Black Power: The Struggle for Voting Rights, Democracy, and Equality” is an impactful documentary that delves into the fight for voting rights, democracy, and equal rights amidst violence and oppression. The film unfolds within the confines of Lowndes County, Alabama, showcasing the courageous endeavors of both citizens and activists who defied the entrenched Jim Crow system.

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49. Descendant (2022)


Descendant is an inspiring documentary that delves into the history of the Clotilda, the last ship to bring enslaved Africans to the United States, and the survivors’ descendants who are now reclaiming their story. Directed by Margaret Brown, the film offers a unique blend of drama and history, making it both informative and engaging.

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50. ¡Viva Maestro! (2022)


“¡Viva Maestro! “ is an inspiring and captivating documentary that delves into the life and career of Gustavo Dudamel, an exceptional music and artistic director for the Los Angeles Philharmonic. The film follows Dudamel as he navigates his passion for music and his role as a leader, showcasing his incredible talent and dedication to his craft. Through stunning performances, intimate interviews, and never-before-seen footage, the movie invites viewers into Dudamel’s world and offers a unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of a life in music.

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51. The Oscars (2022)


Dive into the world of glamour, entertainment, and prestige as the 94th annual Academy Awards brings together the biggest names in the industry. With top contenders like “The Power of the Dog (2021)”, “Dune: Part One (2021)”, “Belfast (2021)”, “West Side Story (2021)”, and “King Richard (2021)” battling for the highest honors, this star-studded event promises to deliver unforgettable moments. Directed by Glenn Weiss and Troy Miller, and featuring an A-list lineup including Timothée Chalamet, Lily James, and Jake Gyllenhaal, “The Oscars” (2022) is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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52. A Compassionate Spy (2022)


Delve into the uncharted waters of the human condition with “A Compassionate Spy, “ a compelling documentary that unveils the extraordinary life of Manhattan Project scientist Ted Hall. This riveting film traces Hall’s courageous decision to share classified nuclear secrets with the Soviet Union, defying the strictures of his country and potentially turning the course of history. Prepare to be enthralled by the captivating tale of moral dilemmas, loyalty, and the relentless pursuit of truth as told through the lens of director Steve James.

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53. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (2022)


“All the Beauty and the Bloodshed” is a thought-provoking documentary that dives deep into the life of artist Nan Goldin and the harrowing impact of the Sackler family, a powerful pharmaceutical dynasty responsible for the devastating opioid epidemic. The movie unfolds a gripping narrative of the opioid crisis and its deadly toll on millions of lives.

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